Absolutely. When you file a consumer proposal or assignment in bankruptcy the law prevents your creditors from continuing to contact you in any way; they are required to deal with your Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
If you receive a telephone call, email, or letter from someone you owe money to after filing with Steve Welker and Company simply contact us and we`ll deal directly with your creditor by informing them of your consumer proposal or bankruptcy and the fact that they are no longer legally able to contact you.
Only Licensed Insolvency Trustees can enact what is called a “Stay of Proceedings”. It’s a fancy way of saying that all collection efforts are “stayed” or paused until you complete your bankruptcy or consumer proposal at which time all collection efforts are permanently stopped when your debt is erased.
Creditor calls at home or at work are a real nuisance that can be stopped. Contact Steve Welker and Company to discuss your personal situation and find out how you can stop creditors from harassing you.