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Consumer Proposal and Student Loans
Author : stevewelker
Consumer Proposal and Student Loans Are you struggling with student loan debt?  If so, here are some potential solutions to erase your student loans, including a Repayment Assistance Plan, Consumer Proposal, and Bankruptcy.  You maybe able to stop the interest, conso...
Consumer Proposals and Your Credit Report
Author : stevewelker
A Consumer Proposal is a great way for many people to address their debt and avoid bankruptcy. A Consumer Proposal's primary consequence is t...
Consumer Proposals and OSAP / Student Loans
Author : stevewelker
When weighing your options to deal with your debt, its important to consider the implications of your potential decision.  Many debtors seek the hel...
Accountants (CPAs), Bankruptcy, and Consumer Proposals
Author : stevewelker
The Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) of Ontario require that applicants or members disclose making an assignment in bankruptcy or proposal t...
Budget vs. Debt Problems
Author : stevewelker
Debt problems don't scare me. We offer solutions specifically designed to erase your debts. Budget problems are another matter. People of...
Sponsorship and Bankruptcy
Author : stevewelker
Canada's sponsorship application form asks: "Are you an undischarged bankrupt under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act" Answering yes will ...
Switching Banks
Author : stevewelker
A Consumer Proposal or Assignment in Bankruptcy represents a fresh start. In most cases, this requires a fresh start with a new bank as well. In ...
Surplus Income Payments During COVID
Author : stevewelker
I'm bankrupt and I have less income due to COVID, do I still need to make surplus income payments to my trustee? The Bad News: COVID is affecti...
Yes, We’re Open! (COVID Update)
Author : stevewelker
The last few weeks have been a challenging time for most Canadians, and just like the rest of Canada, we at Steve Welker and Company Inc. are rising...