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Know Your Options
A Trustee in Bankruptcy is a licensed professional specializing in debt just like a medical doctor is a licensed professional specializing in your health. After a doctor performs an examination they’re able to provide you with your options and recommend a course of acti...
Tips for Seniors & Senior Discounts
Author : stevewelker
Certain businesses treat seniors with the respect they deserve by offering discounts based on life experience.  Steve Welker and Company understands h...
Surplus Income
Author : stevewelker
The Short Version Bankruptcy is geared to income just like some rent is geared to income; the more you earn, the more you pay.  You report your incom...
Rebuilding Your Credit
Making a consumer proposal or assignment in bankruptcy results in R7 or R9 credit ratings respectively. An R7 rating remains on your credit report for...
Pay Cheque Planner
A pay cheque planning tool can help you plan your pay cheques so that all of your bills are paid on time. By listing all of your regular or fixed mon...