Learning center

Power of Sale vs. Foreclosure
Author : stevewelker
If you can't afford to your monthly mortgage payment and have fallen behind your mortgage company may consider commencing Power of Sale or Foreclosure proceedings. You can find a description of each process and your options when you're struggling with your mortgage b...
Collection Agency Rules
Nearly everyone struggling with debt suffers from daily calls from bill collectors.  While our services are a great way to stop these calls once and f...
Can you pay off your debt on your own?
Author : stevewelker
Why continue to pay off your debt when there's no end in sight?  Too many people continue to make debt payments without reducing their debt; something...
Can I lose my job for filing a consumer proposal?
Author : stevewelker
No, absolutely not!  You cannot lose your job for filing a consumer proposal.  Section 66.36 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act states that "No empl...
Steve Welker and Company is Growing!
Steve Welker and Company is pleased to announce that it is searching for a qualified candidate to fill the role of Estate Administrator.  If you or so...
Paying Off Debt
There is no magic pill, despite what the internet may tell you.  Paying off debt is no different then losing weight in that it takes perseverance and ...
Treading Water: Debt’s Vicious Cycle
Author : stevewelker
"Treading Water" = Simply keeping your head above water, struggling without progress, or fruitless efforts. For many, making debt payments and then r...
Better Business Bureau
Welker and Company is pleased to announce its membership in the Better Business Bureau! The Better Business Bureau: Sets standards for ethical bu...
Bankruptcy Discharge
After making an assignment in bankruptcy with a licensed Trustee, you must complete a number of duties, including, but not limited to: 1) Attending t...