
Stop Garnishments Immediately
Author : stevewelker Tag : garnish garnished bank garnished pay garnishment stop garnishment
Has your paycheque or bank account been garnished?  We know how awful it can feel to find out that you've been paid less than you expected or that a creditor has reached into your bank account and seized your money. Unfortunately, it's a common problem for many of our ...
Erasing your student loans
Author : stevewelker
Not being able to repay your student loans can be very stressful, but it doesn't have to be. As a result of tuition fees consistently rising faster...
Erase Your Tax Debt
Author : stevewelker
Has the tax man come calling?  Did you know that you can erase your tax debt by filing a Consumer Proposal or assignment in Bankruptcy no matter how l...
Am I eligible to file a consumer proposal?
Yes, you qualify for a consumer proposal  if you meet the following criteria: 1) You owe at least $1,000 to your creditors.  While this is the minimu...
More Canadians say they’re living paycheque to paycheque
On September 10th, CBC News posted an article with the same title.  The majority of Canadians would find it difficult to pay their bills if their payc...
Am I eligible to go bankrupt?
Yes, you are eligible to go bankrupt if: 1) You owe more than $1,000; and 2) Your are insolvent.  i.e. you can't afford to pay your bills each month...
Money Saving Tips
Steve Welker is a frugal cat.  He's had frugality instilled in him and it's not going anywhere to his spouse's chagrin.  It's with absolute pleasure t...
I can stop bill collectors from calling me?
Absolutely.  When you file a consumer proposal or assignment in bankruptcy the law prevents your creditors from continuing to contact you in any way; ...
You can keep your home and go bankrupt
Author : stevewelker
It`s true.  You can declare bankruptcy and keep your home.  That said, there is a catch.  There`s always a catch... The bankruptcy system was designe...