
Bankruptcy Isn’t Contagious…
Bankruptcy isn't contagious While I'm not a medical doctor there's one thing I'm sure of: You can't become bankrupt simply by calling a Trustee. While an overwhelming majority of debtors express their feeling of relief after leaving my office, so many delay asking for...
High Personal Income Tax Debtors and Bankruptcy
Surprise, surprise: The Federal Government's laws make your life difficult if you don't pay them.  In this case, its s172.1 of the Bankruptcy and Inso...
407 Debt
407 debt is erased by either a bankruptcy or consumer proposal! If you have 407 debt be sure to tell your Licensed Insolvency Trustee so that the d...
Information For Creditors On Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposals
Information For Creditors On Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposals Insolvency involves a lot of paperwork.  All of these forms and documents can become q...
Transfer Under Value
Transfer Under Value A Transfer Under Value occurs when an individual exchanges an asset with another party for less than its true value. Examples i...
Tax Organization System for the Self-Employed
Tax Organization System for the Self-Employed One of the main disadvantages of being self employed is the necessity to report and remit income taxes ...
Can Employment Insurance (EI) Overpayments Be Erased?
An employment insurance ("EI") overpayment occurs when Service Canada believes that you received EI benefits that you were not entitled to. Are EI ...
Tickets Are Not Discharged By Bankruptcy
Only a small number of debts are not discharged by a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy.  They're outlined in s178 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act w...
Can I get OSAP if I file for bankruptcy?
When weighing your options to deal with your debt, its important to consider the implications of your potential decision.  Many debtors seek the help ...