
What is a Stay of Proceedings?
Author : stevewelker Tag : bankruptcy Consumer Proposal debt garnish stay of proceedings
Stay of Proceedings When a "Stay of Proceedings" is in effect, creditors cannot "commence or continue any action, execution, or other proceedings, for the recovery of a claim provable in bankruptcy."  In other words, all creditor action is paused. Making an assignment...
Senior Citizens and Debt
Author : stevewelker
Senior Citizens and Debt I wish that it wasn't the case, but I am seeing Senior Citizens in my office more often every month.  As noted in the recent...
Can A Permanent Resident File For Bankruptcy?
Can A Permanent Resident File For Bankruptcy? Yes.  As a permanent resident of Canada, you are able to make an assignment in bankruptcy or consumer p...
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Assets
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt; What the heck does that mean?  In Ontario, certain assets are exempt from seizure or judgment proof.  Ontario is an organized p...
Is Bankruptcy Confidential?
Personal finances are a private matter, so it's not surprising that people want to keep their bankruptcy confidential. Is Bankruptcy Confidential? B...
Lest We Forget
Welker and Company paused this morning at 11:00am in solemn remembrance of the many men and women who sacrificed so much so that we could be free toda...
Tips When Switching Banks
At Welker and Company, we always recommend that individuals making an assignment in bankruptcy or consumer proposal switch banks and attempt to close ...
Directors Liability
Directors Liability Not all directors sit around mahogany tables in 80th floor board rooms.  Most are small business owners who have incorporated the...
November Is Financial Literacy Month
Author : stevewelker
November Is Financial Literacy Month The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has organized events throughout Canada during the month of November to i...