An employment insurance ("EI") overpayment occurs when Service Canada believes that you received EI benefits that you were not entitled to. Are EI overpayments released by bankruptcy or a consumer proposal? The answer is finally clear thanks to the court's 2021 deci...
Only a small number of debts are not discharged by a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy. They're outlined in s178 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act w...
Stay of Proceedings
When a "Stay of Proceedings" is in effect, creditors cannot "commence or continue any action, execution, or other proceedings, fo...
Senior Citizens and Debt
I wish that it wasn't the case, but I am seeing Senior Citizens in my office more often every month. As noted in the recent...
Can A Permanent Resident File For Bankruptcy?
Yes. As a permanent resident of Canada, you are able to make an assignment in bankruptcy or consumer p...
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt; What the heck does that mean? In Ontario, certain assets are exempt from seizure or judgment proof. Ontario is an organized p...
Personal finances are a private matter, so it's not surprising that people want to keep their bankruptcy confidential.
Is Bankruptcy Confidential?
Welker and Company paused this morning at 11:00am in solemn remembrance of the many men and women who sacrificed so much so that we could be free toda...