
Can Employment Insurance (EI) Overpayments Be Erased?
An employment insurance ("EI") overpayment occurs when Service Canada believes that you received EI benefits that you were not entitled to. Are EI overpayments released by bankruptcy or a consumer proposal?  The answer is finally clear thanks to the court's 2021 deci...
Tickets Are Not Discharged By Bankruptcy
Only a small number of debts are not discharged by a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy.  They're outlined in s178 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act w...
Can I get OSAP if I file for bankruptcy?
When weighing your options to deal with your debt, its important to consider the implications of your potential decision.  Many debtors seek the ...
What is a Stay of Proceedings?
Stay of Proceedings When a "Stay of Proceedings" is in effect, creditors cannot "commence or continue any action, execution, or other proceedings, fo...
Senior Citizens and Debt
Author : stevewelker
Senior Citizens and Debt I wish that it wasn't the case, but I am seeing Senior Citizens in my office more often every month.  As noted in the recent...
Can A Permanent Resident File For Bankruptcy?
Can A Permanent Resident File For Bankruptcy? Yes.  As a permanent resident of Canada, you are able to make an assignment in bankruptcy or consumer p...
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Assets
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt; What the heck does that mean?  In Ontario, certain assets are exempt from seizure or judgment proof.  Ontario is an organized p...
Is Bankruptcy Confidential?
Personal finances are a private matter, so it's not surprising that people want to keep their bankruptcy confidential. Is Bankruptcy Confidential? B...
Lest We Forget
Welker and Company paused this morning at 11:00am in solemn remembrance of the many men and women who sacrificed so much so that we could be free toda...