
Tips When Switching Banks
Author : stevewelker Tag : banking bankruptcy Consumer Proposal switch switching banks
At Welker and Company, we always recommend that individuals making an assignment in bankruptcy or consumer proposal switch banks and attempt to close their current account. We know it’s a pain, but here’s why we think that switching banks is a good idea. If you ow...
Corporate Director’s Liability
Directors Liability Not all directors sit around mahogany tables in 80th floor board rooms.  Most are small business owners who have incorporated the...
November Is Financial Literacy Month
Author : stevewelker
November Is Financial Literacy Month The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has organized events throughout Canada during the month of November to i...
Credit Cards
What happens to my credit cards when I file a consumer proposal or assignment in bankruptcy? Upon making an assignment in bankruptcy or consumer prop...
Bankruptcy and Insurance
Under the Insurance Act of Ontario if your insurance policy's beneficiary is your spouse, child, parent, or grand child then the value of the policy i...
Purposes of the Bankruptcy System
Author : stevewelker
What are the Purposes of the Bankruptcy System in Canada? While it's not something anyone wants to be involved in, Canada's bankruptcy and insolvency...
Duties of a Bankrupt
When considering making an assignment in bankruptcy it is important to understand the duties that you may be required to perform in accordance with Ca...
Bankruptcy and Bondability
Author : stevewelker
What does it mean to be "Bonded"? If a bonded employee steals money from its company, then the company's insurer will reimburse the company for its l...
Consumer Proposals: How Much Do I Need To Offer?
"How much?".  It's one of the most important questions that people want answered when considering a consumer proposal. Unfortunately, there is no "on...