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Consumer Proposals and the CRA
Consumer Proposals and the CRA You may be able to settle your tax debt with the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") by filing a Consumer Proposal; However Consumer Proposals and the CRA make for some unique requirements when combined.  For your consumer proposal to be accept...
Car Loan After Bankruptcy
Many people considering bankruptcy wonder if they'll be able to get a car loan after bankruptcy.  After-all, many people need a car just to get to wor...
Why File Consumer Proposal
Why File Consumer Proposals? People choose to file consumer proposals for different reasons.  The most common are: To Stop Garnishments Consumer pr...
RRSPs and Bankruptcy or Proposals
RRSPs Did you know that when declaring bankruptcy in Ontario that RRSP contributions made more than 12 months ago are exempt from seizure?  That's ri...
Bankruptcy And Your Partner
Whether you have a husband, wife, partner, spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend, we always recommend sharing your financial situation and facing it togeth...
Bankruptcy with your spouse
We often meet with husbands and wives together and always take the time to understand the  financial situation of the family unit before providing pro...
Bankruptcy vs. Consumer Proposal
It's a common question received by Trustees: "Bankruptcy vs. Consumer Proposal - What's the difference?"  While we've highlighted the most significant...
Insolvency for Tax Practitioners
Tax payers become non-compliant with the CRA for a variety of reasons.  This often leads to arbitrary assessments, garnishments, liens being registere...
Can I claim bankruptcy twice?
Yes, you can claim bankruptcy twice or for a second time.  The process is the exact same as your first time except that it takes longer to be discharg...